Frequently asked Questions

A single journey takes 45 minutes each way.
Yes, you do need to let us know which train you would like to return on so we can allocate you seats on a particular train. If we have availability this can be changed on the day at either ticket office.
We have FREE parking at both Aylsham and Wroxham stations.
Yes, the whole railway is dog friendly even our café. It is £4.00 per dog to travel on the train and assistance dogs travel for free.
Yes, our stations are all flat and on one level. Each train is equipped with a saloon double doored coach. Our guards can assist you with ramps if required. We advise booking in advance if you require one of these coaches.
Whistlestop Café is located at Aylsham Station, it sells drinks, confectionery, snacks, light lunches, and homemade cakes. Wroxham station sells hot and cold drinks, confectionary and ice-creams.
No, our trains are narrow gauge engines with small compartments but we have toilets at both Aylsham and Wroxham Stations.
50% discount for a carer (proof required - one per booking)
Returns Adults - £24.00 Child 5-15 £12.00 Under 5s FREE Dog £4.00 Family Ticket 2 adults and 2 children over 5 £60.00 Single Adults - £14.00 Child 5-15 £10.00 Under 5s FREE Dog £3.00
Groups of 20 people or more can be pre-booked for a cheaper group rate. Please email for more information.